UK Leave EU Campaign Blog

UK Leave EU Campaign Blog
Ensuring that Brexit REALLY does mean Brexit.

Saturday 15 September 2018

Apologies for the lax delay in using my blog.

I have suffered two family bereavements this year and I am not currently in good health.

I have a condition called cardiomyopathy, which is a form of heart disease which causes enlargement of the heart muscle, putting additional pressure on my breathing, having asthma already.

I will try to start updating the blog as soon as possible, I have a blood test in September and a scan in October, so depending on the results also depends on my ability to continuously campaign for the UK's exit from the European Union.

In the meantime, my Google+ community and account are active and if you are interested in this subject then please take a look at or join my UK 'leave EU' Community for daily updates.

Please follow the link below:

UK 'Leave EU' Campaign

I will get back to this blog asap.

Many thanks,

English Briton

Twitter Feed - @EnglishBriton

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