UK Leave EU Campaign Blog

UK Leave EU Campaign Blog
Ensuring that Brexit REALLY does mean Brexit.

Saturday 17 September 2016


23 June 2016 - 17,410,742 people voted LEAVE!

On 23 June 2016, the United Kingdom voted in a referendum on remaining a member of the European Union. 

The following video is full coverage of the results and how the night unfolded once the polling stations closed at 22:00hrs - The referendum resulted in the largest turnout in UK electoral history and around two million people voted for the first time, some for many years and some for the first time, as people rushed to register to vote before the deadline. The video is 10hr 59m 51s in length and the BBC calls 'Leave' as the winner at 06:40:05 and the formal announcement of the result is at 09:21:30.

BBC Full Coverage of the EU Referendum 

It has been almost three months since the EU referendum and I must apologise for not updating my blog for some time as I have had so much in everyday life going on but I guess that to a huge extent, the euphoria surrounding the United Kingdoms 'historic' decision 'overwhelmingly' to leave the bureaucratic European Union left me profoundly elated and it proved that we could destroy the #ProjectFear tactics that I'm pleased to say, resulted in the dramatic downfall of former Prime Minister David Cameron and his Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne who tried to sway us, the voters to remain within the EU.

David Cameron resigns as PM 24 June 2016 

With a mammoth majority of 1.4m votes over the remain campaign - as the UK's second female, new Prime Minister Theresa May said...


Theresa May's first comments on becoming PM

The result did not only result in a new Conservative government but also resulted in a crisis within the Labour Party, resulting in a challenge to current leader Jeremy Corbyn by staunch 'Remoaner' Owen Smith. As news reports that the UK Parliament will debate that nonsense petition made up by bitter 'REMOANERS' (with fake signatories) to hold a second referendum, they must step back and remember that Democracy is Democracy and I would have, albeit with a heavy heart, accepted the vote even if it had unfortunately went the other way... to stay! The debate has since taken place but it has been made clear both before the referendum and after, that there would be NO second referendum. 

So just why are 'Europhiles' aka 'Traitors' like Eddie Izzard, Richard Branson, Bob Geldof, Peter Tatchell and others so adamant that this isn't democracy?

Pro and Out Brexiteers Face Off in Central London 

I believe that they are deluded over the difference between the EU and Europe. The EU is an establishment in Brussels full of unelected bureaucrats that drains billions every year of cash from the UK public purse, dictates our laws, rules and regulations, erodes our sovereignty while forcing the UK to allow the free movement of people, which is becoming a nightmare as mass migration from the Middle East and the African continent continues.

The Migration Crisis Continues To Disrupt The EU 

Whereas, Europe is a continent of countries with diverse cultures and unique identities. 

We voted Leave to take back control of our country and sovereignty and in doing so have created a better future for generations to come. 
Pathetic Europhiles Protest Against Democracy 

If they CAN'T live without the EU - AU REVOIR!

Simple advice - Have faith in the strength of power and influence that the United Kingdom has on the global stage! We ARE much stronger and influential than one may think.

Have we had that predicted war?

Have we slumped into recession and economic collapse?

Of course not. Even now the very people who spread fear admit that they got it wrong, including George Osborne, who I am pleased PM Theresa May sacked immediately upon entering No.10!

Remember the #ProjectFear tactics that 'discredited' ex-PM Cameron aka #Dodgydave, Chancellor George Osborne and the Bank of England Governor Mark Carney and Christine Lagarde forecast?

Recession, WWIII, Emergency Budget... 

It was all a part of a project to pump fear into the public in the hope that the UK would remain in the European Union. The plan didn’t work and initially, after the referendum, markets became volatile and there was much uncertainty due to the lies we had been told by people in public office.

Many 'Cartoonists jokingly highlighted #ProjectFear

However, during August, manufacturing rose at its highest rate in around 20 years, we have seen huge drops in unemployment, exports have increased due to a weaker pound and interest rates at 0.5%, the first time in the history of the Bank of England. Also consumer confidence is at a high.

Cameron is now political toast after going on to resign, not only as PM but after the Summer recess of Parliament, resigned as a Member of Parliament.

David Cameron Resigns as MP

Let's hope George Osborne, Mark Carney and Christine Lagarde are history soon. They abused their positions in public office as well as public funds for which they should be prosecuted.

Remember that £9.3m of our money wasted on pro-EU propaganda leaflets and using the mantles of Downing Street, the Treasury, the Bank of England and the UK Parliament dispatch box to inject FEAR into the electorate?

Cameron wasted £9.3m on pro-EU propaganda

We are now seeing the lies and garbage that they spun during the referendum campaigning unfold.

We need to see what the new Prime Minister, Theresa May does to lead us out of the EU as soon as possible. I do believe she must deliver on the wishes of the public. One can NOT ignore the democratic process and the Electoral Commission rules and regulations.

Although Theresa May was loyal to former Prime Minister David Cameron by backing the stay campaign but without campaigning for it, I gather she simply went along with the government’s policy and in the ballot box probably voted to leave the European Union.

New Prime Minister Theresa May
First Prime Minister's Questions 20 July

It was an IN/OUT referendum and the final result was as follows;

Leave 51.9% Remain 48.1%

Leave 17,410,742 Remain 16,141241 - It is what it is.

'Rigged' petitions DO NOT matter. The votes favoured an EXIT from the EU.

We the people have spoken and the Prime Minister Theresa May needs to implement #Article50 as SOON as possible;

Everything you NEED to know about

Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty

EU information on Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty

and... Here’s Goodbye 👋 in all 27 languages of the dysfunctional bureaucratic European Union;



or in other words - "EFF OFF EU!"

The #Brexit Domino effect is Spreading beyond the creaking borders of the EU!

#Texit #Calexit The #Brexit vote inspires long-forgotten movements for independence in the USA. 

As we who passionately wanted and voted to leave the EU won by a truly magnificent majority and within UK Electoral Commission rules and regulations, the domino or contagion effect is not only spreading throughout Europe but it is now having an impact on the United States of America with states like California #Calexit and Texas #Texit or #Texodus wanting a referendum on remaining a part of the Washington dominated USA.

Washington DC bureaucratics drain more USD from every US citizen and State than they get back - just like the EU does with its member states.

Now it's plain to see why President Obama was an advocate of a Stronger IN result and even travelled to the UK to tell us how to vote. Can one imagine the United States of America being dictated to? I think not.

As America celebrated its 240th anniversary of independence from Britain on 4 July, Texas' and California's campaigns to secede from the US have been given a kiss of life. But are they really ready to follow #Brexit and revive their bids to break away from Washington?

US States Independence from Washington DC

This could have the potential to tear the USA apart from central Government in Washington DC and take care of their own affairs.

Could Independent States Become A Reality

We all, as humans have a right to FREEDOM.

It's becoming the Wests worst nightmare, we've had an Arab Spring, now we are possibly witnessing a #WesternSummer (However, a Western Summer is and should be civilised, non-violent and done in accordance with the democratic process). Violence is NEVER the answer. We get what we want through the ballot box as we did in the UK. 

We are all human regardless of what or who we are and we all deserve our say on freedom, independence, self governance in accordance with the rule of law.

It infuriates me that this IN/OUT referendum result has not yet moved us one millimetre from the corrupted EU establishment in Brussels with suggestions that we might not start formal divorce proceedings until the end of 2016 or early 2017.

#Article50 should have been invoked immediately, no ifs, no buts, no dithering and no fudging.

Cameron proved himself to be a pathetic loser, just like the other 16.1m Europhiles (Most of which were frightened by #ProjectFear). I dare say if we had not been told so many lies by the remain campaign, there would have been an even greater vote to leave than we witnessed.

Markets as I said are recovering and tourism boosted by a stronger $ and even companies such as BAE have seen orders and investments increase dramatically as the world scrambles to trade with us. Just proves what garbage we were told prior to the EU referendum. 

The 'Leave' campaign won under the UK democratic process and the result can NOT be reversed!


We WILL hold Theresa May MP to account as she takes over as Prime Minister of our GREAT nation of nations, (with a new government department for Exiting the European Union). The following video is from 05 September. The new Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, David Davis addresses Parliament.

David Davis MP
Secretary of State for Exiting the EU 

If she betrays the will of the UK public and fudges our exit from the EU. Should democracy not be carried out in the lawful manner, then the country seriously risks slipping into civil unrest and no one who voted to LEAVE the EU seriously wants that.

We voted for freedom, restoration of our sovereignty, strengthening of our borders, global trade, investment in our economy and so much more.

Europhiles were constantly aggressive and inserted #ProjectFear tactics wherever possible and asserted themselves in a disgraceful and often disgusting manner, even trying to gain momentum from the brutal murder of English MP Jo Cox from Yorkshire, which had nothing to do with the EU Referendum whatsoever. Even former Labour leader Neil Kinnock's son, Stephen Kinnock MP blamed a UK Independence Party poster regarding immigration, that was released the day before her murder as somewhat being responsible. Delusion obviously is hereditary, in this instance. 

WE can hold our heads up higher than high.

It is us that saved our country from the bureaucratic EU dominated by Angela Merkel's Germany and we will never stop until we LEAVE.

WE believe in our country and showed respect for our ancestors who died during WWI and WWII so that we could be free from dictatorship and uphold our sovereignty. 

Europhiles don't and tried repeatedly in slapping us down during the campaigning. They ARE traitors.

Let's see what the new cabinet does to comply with the public vote, post Cameron’s Government and do all we can to ensure the outcome of the referendum and rule of democracy prevails.

The Prime Minister Theresa May does 'NOT' need a House of Commons vote in order to invoke #Article50 of the Lisbon Treaty or any vote on negotiations with the EU. 

Do we have a House of Commons vote after a General Election to change the decision of the electorate?  No... Despite low turnouts of less than 40% in many regions. This is why the media are trying to still cling on to #ProjectFear because they know too well what DEMOCRACY is and in the EU referendum it didn't go the way many expected.

A referendum cannot be re-run and the will of the public who voted overwhelming to leave the European Union cannot be overruled - remember that this referendum has had the highest turnout of voters, in places 79% and has also attracted people who have never previously voted!

Did we have a second referendum in the 1970's after joining the EEC? Exactly!

I imagine that to make any attempt to change the will of the public would, as I said probably cause severe civil unrest. Again it was an IN/OUT Referendum, no inbetween sections or sugar coating policy or rules and regulations. 

I dare say, even if that failed attempt for a re-run was possible, more people would #VoteLeave as we now know there is NO recession, NO WWIII, NO emergency budget etc, etc... We WERE lied to by the very people we entrusted to run our country. 

It's simple. The campaign to leave the EU won and the remain campaign assume it can be reversed.

It's a simple case of 'Bad Losers'.

Cameron aka #DodgyDave and Gideon aka #FlipFlopGeorge Osborne are now toast and we have entered into a new era of politics. 

Having said all of that, our new Prime Minister Theresa May MUST invoke #Article50 as soon as possible and I imagine if she dithers, the European Union could possibly enforce #Article50 upon us.

If you have not yet signed the petition to have Article 50 invoked, please do so here;

Petition to Parliament to have Article 50 Invoked

Parliament will debate this petition on 17 October 2016.

You'll be able to watch online at Parliament Live TV

#VoteLeave won - SIMPLE AS THAT!

Remain Campaigners are simply pi**ed off because the vote didn’t go their way.

#ScareMongering FAILED! Live with it.

#BrexitMeansBrexit #WesternSummer #UKLeaveEUCampaign #Brexit #LeaveEU #VoteLeave #EURefererendum #BetterOffOut #Texit #Texodus #Calexit