UK Leave EU Campaign Blog

UK Leave EU Campaign Blog
Ensuring that Brexit REALLY does mean Brexit.

Tuesday 17 May 2016

UK Leave EU Campaign - Tuesday 17 May 2016 Update

Apologies for the delay in this entry, daily life often prevents us from catching up with everything properly, so I'm going to try and do a short but constructed entry of events since the last post. Then hopefully I can add to this blog on a much more regular basis, including news items, videos, speeches etc...

The official Start date and media campaign has begun and the scare tactics from the remain campaign have become more ridiculous daily.

The official start date of campaigning for an IN or OUT referendum on the EU started on Friday 15th April 2016.

So lets start off with this excellent video from Vote Leave - It is Common Sense, no fudge, spin or lies;

It was an obvious opportunity to play down the UK’s finances and project economic matters for the next 14 years from a Chancellor of the Exchequer, who incidentally cannot predict the economic situation of the country from one year to the next - Remember the u-turns on tax credits and cutting £30 weekly to the sick an disabled which resulted in the resignation from cabinet of Work and Pensions Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, (former Conservative Party Leader).

Iain Duncan Smith on Social Impact of EU on UK

I really cant remember a week consumed so much by negativity and obscene mathematical equations to predict 14 years into the future - advising the typical family that they would be £4,300.00 per year worse off until 2030 if we were to leave the European Union which incidentally the fact is that we will all be better off financially on a vote to leave the EU.

The scare tactics were not just limited to that.

We were told that Northern Ireland’s peace process would crumble and cause friction between the various factions in Ireland, when realistically, there shouldn’t be much if any impact on Northern Ireland politics and lets face up to reality, since the Good Friday agreement, there have been elements within the community that have had the intention of derailing this peace process.  Well, it is my opinion that things would not change. Northern Ireland is now a country with hope, investment and prosperity, nobody is going to risk going back to the old days of dealing with problems via the bullet. David Cameron aka #DodgyDave has had his crystal ball out and predicted apocalypse in Europe in the form of World War III and also has foreseen North Korea suddenly becoming a Nuclear Super state. I’m actually surprised that men in white coats have not dragged this deluded excuse for a PM away by now and had him sectioned under the Mental Health Act 1983.

The upcoming referendum on the United Kingdoms continued membership of the European Union since being announced by the Prime Minister, David Cameron as being on Thursday 23 June 2016 has gathered much momentum, all around the world in the media, TV, social media networks and online communities.

We have all seen the scare tactics and goodness me, they have been extremely targeted and precise. Fortunately though, the UK public are not fools and do not like being told what to do, let alone be subjected to such negativity.

If David Cameron and other ‘Inners’ are so passionate about their cause, why not try promoting what they see as benefits in a responsible manner but no, they have got to go into scaremongering mode - Is this really the only way they have of promoting the EU?

Regardless of the referendum result #DodgyDave can kiss his political career goodbye 👋 

Tory Revolt Planned against Cameron regardless of Result.

Largely from my own experiences as an active Leave EU campaigner, my dedicated web address being UK  Leave EU Campaign and recently opened Twitter account @EnglishBriton as well as my online community UK Leave EU Campaign  on Google Plus.

Since opening my new Twitter account on Sunday 6th March 2016, my followers are currently 540 and counting.

I was completely amazed that the UK Government had decided to squander £9.3m on pro-EU booklets, sent to 27 million addresses in the UK. Personally  I have not received mine, if like me you have not received this rubbish through your door but are curious of its contents, I have a downloadable PDF version here: Government Propaganda Leaflet

Here is a video of some of the things people have done with theirs;

The video was created by More Soapbox and just proves what a waste of public money that stunt was but we'll done for creating a video reflecting public opinion.

£9.3M Leaflets, printed in GERMANY of all places, Cameron could not even give the printing job to a British company - Many returned their glossy booklet/leaflets to David Cameron at either Downing Street or the Conservative Party HQ.

The support online, especially on Twitter is absolutely phenomenal and has really surprised me and invigorated a passion in me to make this once in a lifetime referendum count and for the United Kingdom to regain its sovereignty from a German dominated United States of Europe, basically, the structure of the EU is somewhat like an Empire.

                    Ex EU President Manuel Barroso;
                       "European Union is EMPIRE"...

The EU Empire - currently 28 member states with another five expected to join soon.

Even in the House of Commons, in Parliament, David Cameron was mocked by such a waste of public finances by MP’s, including Dennis Skinner who was ejected from the chamber for referring to Cameron as #DodgyDave

Vote Leave  have been named by the Electoral Commission, much to my disappointment as I was hoping for Leave.EU however, I am happy that we can all work together in creating the necessary awareness in creating our shared goal of leaving the European Union. We are stronger speaking with one voice and getting our message across to as many people as possible and with facts and not fudge or scare tactics like the Remain Campaign do ever so increasingly on a daily basis.

Stronger IN was designated as the official campaign team for a stay vote, No surprises there.

Speeches have been given for both campaigns but positive speeches from the leave campaign, wheras the stay campaign have continued with their threat of doomsday should we vote to leave, which is completely unsubstantiated.

Boris Johnson Speech: We will be vindicated by history (full speech - 9 May 2016);

Michael Gove MP & Justice Secretary Gives a speech for #Brexit and Pro-EU Lies;

Alistair Darling speech for the Stronger IN campaign - former Labour Chancellor who bailed out the banks with billions of pounds of our money and aided the then Prime Minister Gordon Brown in selling off our gold reserves and left the country on the brink of bankruptcy prior to the 2010 General Election.

Alastair Darling Speech. Not in its full waffle as it could actually render one comatose;

For those of you who think we would be better off IN the EU... really should learn the facts rather than being sheep to Cameron's spin and manipulation.
Educate yourselves and VOTE LEAVE!

The official start of campaigning also exposed the biased attitude of BBC news and SKY news as they showed full, unedited speeches for the IN campaign, whilst cutting short or butting in to interviews or speeches for the leave campaign. It is plainly obvious that the mainstream UK media is very biased, especially so in the TV media sector.

President Obama has had the nerve to visit the United Kingdom and stress that American soldiers lost their lives in the second world war and try to make us feel like we have some kind of moral obligation or debt owing to America to remain a part of the EU.

He even threatened the UK with being at the back of the queue of any trade dealing with the US, which basically was in itself a scare-tactic;

Wow - Obama threatens the UK if we leave the EU 

Just think for one second, how long it took America to enter the war and consider the losses that they suffered in comparison. So basically, President Obama has little respect for the UK's war dead and for all of the prisoners of Nazi Germany who suffered and died under the most heinous of circumstances.

The nonsense caused by Boris Johnson referring to Obama's stance due to his Kenyan root's WAS NOT in any way racist and only was in reference to the British Empire and it's colonial past, which included Kenya, infact they are still members of the 53 Commonwealth nations but in the colonial days, when slavery was at its height, this is all Boris referred to, that because of Obama’s ancestral root's to Kenya, he may have some resentment or bitterness toward the United Kingdom. 

Simply he wants us to remain in the EU as it makes it closer (as a steeping stone) for America to meddle in others affairs and to think he used Her Majesty the Queens 90th birthday in order to achieve this, in my opinion is absolutely disgusting and he should have stayed away. Even Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump has been very critical of Obama’s intervention.

If he wants to be so integrated with the EU, why does America not apply for EU membership? The American public would never allow it, the EU would have them scrap the second amendment of the constitution - the right to bear arms. They would also enforce a complete ban on the death penalty amongst many other ridiculous laws, rules and regulations which the UK’s politicians just signed up to no problem…

The US share their sovereignty with no other country and they never will, so Obama trying to sway the UK public into a particular way of voting, is simply assuming that the UK public are stupid.

As another example, the UK steel industry needs investment and EU law states that the Government cannot help or part nationalise the industry. Why on earth should the EU dictate to us how or who we bail out when it concerns the future industry and prospects of the United Kingdom and its infrastructure.



Please bear with me as I am still composing the blog and there is much more interesting content to add, including videos promoting and recognising the importance of the Commonwealth in comparison to the EU. There will also be downloadable PDF files of various EU policy, etc, etc...

Update due soon.

Thank you for reading.