UK Leave EU Campaign Blog

UK Leave EU Campaign Blog
Ensuring that Brexit REALLY does mean Brexit.

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Global Britain - Conservative Party Conference

At the Conservative Party conference, which started 02 October 2016, Prime Minister Theresa May promised to make Britain a 'sovereign and independent country once again'

FREE AT LAST! Theresa May unveils the legal blueprint to END supremacy of EU law in Britain.

The Prime Minister Theresa May gave an interview on the BBC's 'Andrew Marr Show' prior to conference. This is The full interview;

PM Theresa May Interview with Andrew Marr

Following that, PM THERESA May made her way to the Conservative Party Conference where she announced her intention to move all Brussels laws and regulations onto the British statute books before the country leaves the European Union, paving the way for the return of parliamentary sovereignty.

The Prime Minister used her speech to the Tory party conference to announce the repealing of the 1972 European Communities Act, which is the current vehicle by which EU laws are implemented in the UK. 

As part of the process she will transfer all current Brussels laws and regulations onto parliament's statute books instead, with MPs set to spend the next few decades going through them one by one and deciding which ones they do and do not want to keep.

The announcement is the new PM's first firm commitment on #Brexit since moving into No 10 in July, and gives an insight into how she plans to go about handling the monumentally complex process of severing ties with Brussels.

There have been reports of cracks between the PM’s top team, with foreign secretary Mr Johnson breaking rank over when #Article50 will be triggered and Dr Fox gunning for a hard #Brexit

The #Brexit secretary Mr Davis, who will lead the negotiations with Brussels explained the decision to bring EU laws onto the British statute books during his speech to the party faithful. 

He said: “As we prepare for those negotiations in Europe, we also need to prepare for the impact of #Brexit on domestic law. 

“It’s very simple. At the moment we leave, Britain must be back in control. And that means EU law must cease to apply.

“To ensure continuity, we will take a simple approach. EU law will be transposed into domestic law, wherever practical, on exit day. It will be for elected politicians here to make the changes to reflect the outcome of our negotiation and our exit. 

“That is what people voted for - power and authority residing once again with the sovereign institutions of our own country.”

"At last - commonsense! That's what 17,410,742 of us who believe in and love our country voted for and we expect no less. #BrexitMeansBrexit and that simply means leaving the European Union and taking back control of our country from the bureaucratic shackles of the EU"
Lib Dem leader Tim Farron is FULL of EU wind!

100 days since the EU referendum the UK's ruling government opened it's conference. The Prime Minister Theresa May gave an opening speech which in no uncertain terms laid out the initial foundations for the timetable for leaving the European Union, despite the constant moaning from the Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron, who, including himself have just eight members of Parliament. 

Tim Farron is an irrelevant NONENTITY' as fury surrounds Farron's claims #Brexiteers are full of 'fantasies'

LIBERAL Democrat leader Tim Farron was blasted as an "irrelevant nonentity" today after controversially calling #Brexit voters "fundamentalists".

The diminutive party chief was reminded he only has eight MPs in parliament as people mocked him over the remarks he penned for a divisive opinion piece. 

Mr Farron argued that the Government has been "taken hostage by #Brexit fundamentalists" and repeated his vow to keep Britain in the EU. 

The bitter remarks came as his party bombed in the polls, with just 8% of the public planning to back them at the next election. 

And one exasperated Leave supporter implored: "At what point will you stop moaning about #Brexit? Tomorrow, next week, next year, next decade?"...

"What a complete dim-witted pathetic 'remoaner', with so few MP's he should be concentrating more on his weak, lying, liberal bunch of loonies and accept that we ARE leaving the European Union and refrain from insulting the UK public. He won't gain public support by having cheap digs at us"

The PM tried to end infighting on day one of the Conservative Party Conference by unveiling a Great Repeal Bill and announcing #Article50 will be triggered around May 2017. 

In a rare first-day speech to delegates she attacked MPs who want to vote on #Brexit in Parliament as "insulting the intelligence of the British people".

Although PM Theresa May stated that #Article50 will be triggered by the end of March 2017, there is talk that it could be as soon as January 2017 and the repeal of the European Communities Act 1972 will be announced in the Queens Speech around May 2017. 

She certainly put the 'second referendum' possibility, floated by sour faced #remoaners to bed and slammed those who would try to stand in the way of democracy.

Full opening conference speech from PM Theresa May;

Full PM Theresa May's opening speech to conference

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson spoke to conference shortly afterwards, outlining difficulties with foreign governments over the Syrian civil war and also criticised the European Union over its dithering on the banning of the ivory trade, while saying ironically the name of one EU Presidents name is Donald Tusk;

Boris Johnson Speech to Conference 

Tweets on Twitter by #Eurocrat Donald Tusk after the Prime Minister's opening speech prove just how protectionist the European Union really is and they include the following;

Donald Tusk took to Twitter after PM speech

Meanwhile, Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond speaks at conference on 03 October, starting a new dawn on fiscal policy and at the same time acknowledged the will of the public who voted overwhelming to leave the European Union. He is effectively resetting the economic agenda, as we are in a different place now to where we were in the doom-monger George Gideon 'Osborne' and pre-referendum years.

Chancellor Philip Hammond speaks at conference 

The following video is from the Conservative Party Conference by Dr Liam Fox, the Secretary of State for International Trade and Development, in which he outlines the golden global opportunities for the United Kingdom on global trade and investments;

Secretary for International Trade Dr Liam Fox

Reports on Tuesday evening 04 October reveal that Britain will NOT grovel to Brussels: Theresa May vow UK will not play 'supplicant' to EU.

BRITAIN will not grovel to Brussels during the negotiations for an EU exit deal, Theresa May vowed today.

In a steely warning to EU chiefs, the Prime Ministerinsisted the UK will not play the role of "supplicant" begging for preferential trade links with the European bloc when #Brexit talks start in earnest next spring. 

And she repeated her promise that the Government will not compromise with the EU on the issue of regaining full border controls. 

Mrs May sent her warning shot to Brussels during a round of broadcast interviews in Birmingham on the penultimate day of the Tory conference. 

She is expected to resume her diplomatic discussions with her European counterparts about Britain's withdrawal from the EU in the coming weeks.

In a BBC interview she rejected calls from supporters of a so-called "soft #Brexit" for Britain to give ground to Brussels over immigration. 

She told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme: "A lot of people talk in a way which suggests that we should be approaching this as, sort of, saying 'Well, we've been members of the EU; when we come out, what bits of membership can we keep?' 

"Actually, I think we need to have a different approach, which is when we come out of the European Union we will be an independent, sovereign, county - what relationship do we want with the EU? 

"It is a welcome sign that the Prime Minister, Theresa May is focusing on 'patriotism' and winning over supporters of the disillusioned Labour party under Comrade Corbyn’s watch by seizing the middle ground of UK politics, whilst stamping her authority on the bureaucrats in Brussels"

*If you have not yet signed the petition to have Article 50 invoked, please do so here;*

Parliament will debate this petition on 17 October 2016.

You'll be able to watch online at Parliament TV