UK Leave EU Campaign Blog

UK Leave EU Campaign Blog
Ensuring that Brexit REALLY does mean Brexit.

Saturday 18 June 2016


Remember why your ancestors died in two World Wars - So that we could live FREE from tyranny!

Citizen Steve - The Unknown Soldier 

I Want to Break Free;

Thank you to Martin Kelly


We have had the TV debates and audience questioning of David Cameron, Michael Gove and others.

David Cameron EU Debate

Michael Gove EU Debate 

The referendum debate has become very intense and divisive of the UK public. It's real and one can feel the tension.

There has been much heated debate, tension and it's sad but it feels like the UK is sliding into an uncertain future of division. This will tear apart politicians and the public alike.

Arab Spring... Maybe a UK Summer of discontent. I hope not. Our beautiful country could descend into complete chaos.

I am completely saddened by the death of Jo Cox and whatever the motivation of the lunatic that carried out that senseless act, is his own disgusting and repulsive ideology. He does not represent in any way shape or form the Vote to Leave the European Union.

Jo Cox MP - Campaigning in last months elections

We must let West Yorkshire Police along with North of England counter terrorism officers investigate the causes, reason, motivations, though in my opinion there can be no justification or motivational reason for such a sickening act of human wickedness, more so on such a beautiful defenseless woman and Member of the Mother of all democracy - The UK Parliament. 

There are reasons I am not willing to reveal why this is hurting me so much at this time. To say I am mortified is an understatement. It's ripped my heart out.

However, Jo believed and stood for the power of democracy and would in NO WAY want this to impact on how anyone intended to vote in the EU referendum on 23 June, in 5 days time.

I myself have considered mothballing our community but after much thought, I just can't do it. It's not mine despite my founding it. The community belongs to every member. So despite anything I may have said, I will not close the community ever. Even after the referendum regardless of the outcome. 

I feel we owe it to Jo to get the argument on both sides across to people and so long as it's truth and unbiased, then I know that's what she would want.

This event has had an enormous impact on me personally - perhaps some online contacts may realise why but it really made me feel like leaving social media completely.

My inner beliefs about the EU Referendum and our needs to become independent have give me the strength to carry on. I want us to leave the European Union on 23 June. 

I must focus on that and not let one unlawfully armed lunatic that slay a member of Parliament - armed with weapons and regardless of his ideology cloud my judgement.

There are many conflicting reports.

Jo Cox Murder - Radio Broadcast on Remain Campaign politicising and exploiting the tragic incident. 

There has been extensive media biased coverage of this tragic incident, simply to gain some momentum to remain in the EU because of a killing on our streets of an MP by a lunatic prescribed anti-phsychotics that, had it not been for Government cuts and closures of mental health hospitals, may have been institutionalised and unable to carry out such an attack.

The closure of mental institutions started in the late 1980's into the 1990's under Conservative Party watch. Their obscene view that paranoid schizophrenics are better treated living within communities is ridiculous and has led to many senseless, unnecessary deaths 

More resources need to be made available for mental health and we can start that from 24 June when we take back control of a huge amount of taxpayers cash.

The UK Government has constantly reduced funding (and still continues to do so), in drugs and mental health services. They think it is better for people like this killer to be treated at a GP level and live in the community. They actually just last July, closed numerous addiction units across the country and created a completely different type of service, which DOES NOT address the health issues appropriately. 

We don't know a lot currently but what if, for example that killer had recently had disability benefits cut, stopped or sanctioned? We don't know but if he has, perhaps that could be his motive.

I understood that there was an altercation in the sandwich bar opposite the library where Jo was holding her surgery to meet constituents. On her lunch hour, she left the library to possibly grab a sandwich and came across this altercation. The media assume he was waiting for her, how could this be when she had appointments at 2pm+?

My personal belief is that while popping out for lunch during her constitueny surgery at the library, she approaches two men engaged in an altercation in or just outside the sandwich bar. In trying to defuse a very volatile situation, sadly Jo was shot three times, twice in the body and once in the head at close range. She was then repeatedly stabbed. Despite news reports from one unknown man, he shouted,  allegedly "Britain first, public first or something like that".

Why #Brexit Must Happen | Paul Joseph Watson and Stefan Molyneux - 2016 Immediate Data Ltd

I'm afraid that would not stand up in a court of law because you need to know without any reasonable doubt that this was said.

I have a suspicion that he was a Pro-EU sympathiser and used the unfolding tragedy to politicise for the remain campaign.

Regardless of politics, in or out in the referendum debate, this was a senseless killing of an Member of Parliament. 

It is sad that the IN campaign are using Jo Cox as a political football. I think she deserves respect and there can be NO justification to use this murder as a political hit to score points.


The Government maybe should consider extending the referendum by one or two weeks. However, democracy must prevail. 

Perhaps Parliament should have a vote on the restoration of the death penalty but the EU would block that. We simply are unable to make our laws unless the EU agrees.

Regardless of this terrible loss, the migration crisis continues daily, the media are simply not concerned about that currently but it's worsening at alarming rates as the weather is improving. They would much rather focus, so unbiased on Jo's murder and use that as a tool in the EU referendum campaign. 

David Cameron said in his 2010/2015 manifestos that he would get immigration down to the tens of thousands wheras the most recent figures for 2015 are net migration at 333,000 people. Shocking!

Any trust I had in UK TV news has been erased. They twist, lie, manipulate and change their reports every 15-30 minutes. 

I have studied in depth news reports for hours and it really is a disgrace that a country such as the UK can have such media which appears 'state sponsored' like North Korea.

Is this the UK we really want to live in?

Finally, did anyone else notice that Mr Junker released a statement very shortly afterwards, whereas the Queen and President Obama have made no comments. Just Presidential wannabe Clinton, jumping on the bandwagon of conclusion.

A UK exit from the EU bloc will undoubtedly destabilise the Union. It's foundations are on the brink of collapse anyway and many Eurozone countries finances are on the brink of bankruptcy as things currently stand.

However, we are just another Brick In The Wall but a vital brick in its stability but we have had enough of EU lectures...  

Our exit will not only give us the freedom we desire but will influence other countries to follow suit and unchain themselves from such a corrupted Empire.

Vote Leave EU on 23 June to ensure that failing EU states do not drag our country and economy into a very dire and uncertain future.

The UK does not need to be another brick in the Wall of a corrupted Empire on the verge of collapse.

The USA needs to get its own wannabe Presidents,  laws and house in order before lecturing the UK.

CLINTON - Yeah but No but yeah... 

The United Kingdom is perfectly capable of standing on its own feet on the world stage, watch David Cameron’s opinion just recently;

Cameron admits the UK would be successful outside of the European Union 

It's absolutely pathetic and sad that so many people are using such a tragic death for political point scoring.

Even today, recently elected London Mayor Sadiq Khan, a muslim appears to be making the assumption that this is motivated by white right wing supremacists. He needs to let the police and security services do their work before him passing judgement. He's a Mayor, not a Judge!

It's interesting that the last time a Labour MP was attacked was by a muslim woman who repeatedly knifed him, fortunately he survived. The media choose not to report that fact. Typical UK (North Korea) type of reporting.

RIP Jo Cox MP - This life has been tragically cut short but your journey will continue. Your spirit will live on.

Despite recent sad events, which have massively impacted upon my life, WE MUST vote to leave the European Union 

We can not let the wanton acts of an insane individual cloud our common judgement and I would say, we need to LEAVE the EU and take back control.

Thank you +Pooky Nana​​​ for this inspirational video. I appreciate your generosity so, so much at this sad time. 

The UK Leave EU unofficial Google Plus campaign community which I formed in February 2016 but reflective of its important message - we need to leave the EU - please join and help us to not only regain our sovereignty but also to take back control of our country. Time is ticking by and we need to ensure that we do the right thing for future generations but also for our great nation. We MUST leave the EU on June 23 2016.

Published on 12 May 2016

BREXIT THE MOVIE is a feature-length documentary film to inspire as many people as possible to vote to LEAVE the EU in the June 23rd referendum.

BREXIT THE MOVIE spells out the danger of staying part of the EU. Is it safe to give a remote government beyond our control the power to make laws? Is it safe to tie ourselves to countries which are close to financial ruin, drifting towards scary political extremism, and suffering long-term, self-inflicted economic decline?

BREXIT THE MOVIE shows a side of the EU they don't want us to see: the sprawling self-serving bureaucracy, the political cynicism, the lack of accountability, the perks, the waste, the cronyism, the corruption.

BREXIT THE MOVIE cuts through the patronizing intellectualism of the noble, higher goals of 'Project Europe', to reveal the self-interestedness of the political-bureaucratic class which runs and benefits from the EU.

BREXIT THE MOVIE highlights the danger of becoming a prisoner in an insular, backward-looking Fortress Europe. And it explores the exciting opportunities that open up to us when we look beyond the narrow confines of the EU.

BREXIT THE MOVIE looks to the future, arguing forcefully and persuasively that it is safer and wiser to live in a country which is free, independent, self-governing, confident and global.

For more information, visit BREXIT THE MOVIE

You can donate to the official campaign and more (pay them a visit).

#UKLeaveEUCampaign #Brexit #LeaveEU #VoteLeave #EUReferendum #BetterOffOut #BoycottTheDailyStar #JusticeforJo

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