UK Leave EU Campaign - Referendum Latest;
We certainly want to break free from the many bureaucratic shackles of the European Empire.
Firstly, apologies for the delay in this second entry. Online Leave campaigning, together with offline life has given me very limited time, as I'm sure many of you can imagine.
The upcoming referendum on the United Kingdom and it's continued membership and integration of the European Union since being announced by the Prime Minister, David Cameron as being on Thursday 23 June 2016 has gathered much momentum, all around the world in the media, TV, social media networks and online communities.
These are the results of recent polls on Twitter, which as you can see, gives overwhelming support for Nigel Farage MEP;
The following is a dedicated online poll which runs until 23 June Referendum day.
From my own experiences as an active Leave EU campaigner, my dedicated 'Leave Campaign' web address being;
UK Leave EU Campaign
and newly opened Twitter account UKLeaveEUCampaign: @EnglishBriton,
as well as my Google Plus online community;
UK Leave EU Campaign Online Community
I have seen much scaremongering and dirty underhanded tactics from the Stay campaign, led by the Prime Minister David Cameron, not to mention George Osborne’s Budget structured around the hope that it attracts support for the stay campaign, which was quite pathetic really, as he spent more time gorping down Theresa Mays cleavage, which incidentally went quite viral amongst online social media networks. So not only did he deliver a budget fudge, he never once gave the people of the UK something to feel good about.
Who do you trust?...
As you are probably aware, cuts to disability benefits led to the resignation of Iain Duncan Smith, the Work and Pensions Secretary. As if the Chancellor hadn’t done his massive U-Turn on the Tax Credits proposal in the Autumn Statement in which he stated he was doing so because of an increase in Tax receipts and the countries finances were performing better than expected - when the truth is, the unelected House of Lords killed the bill and he had no choice than to abandon it - hence further austerity yet again and they have been controlling the Treasury now since 2010... Anyway enough about Mr Bean!
Since opening my new Twitter account on Sunday 6th March 2016, my followers are currently 450 (at 2 April) and I have made new online friends and supporters for #Brexit from around the world, especially in America, who as you know have their own elections for a new President in November 2016.
Take a moment if you can to watch this interesting campaign video of Republican Presidential hopeful Donald Trump;
The support online, especially on Twitter is absolutely phenomenal and has really surprised me and invigorated a passion in me to make this once in a lifetime referendum count and for the United Kingdom to regain its sovereignty from a German dominated United States of Europe, basically, the structure of the EU is somewhat like an Empire.
There are many issues and many reasons for the UK leaving the EU and it is not possible to list tem all at once, this is why I have created this blog, to release facts and not fiction or fudge, nor the complete fabricated scare tactics that the stay in EU campaign are doing on an almost daily basis. They say they want to remain in what they call a 'reformed' EU, yet never give any viable reasons why.
The mass migration exodus from Turkey to Greece and Libya to Italy continues daily.
When they get access to the EU they automatically get an EU passport/citizenship and EU citizens can travel freely to the UK.
That's what Cameron won't tell the public though, he says they'll need visas but not so if they are EU citizens and we remain a part of that fiasco. Angela Merkel's open border policy last year created a tsunami of migrants, many of whom were not fleeing war torn Syria but migrants from various middle eastern countries as well as 'so called' Islamic State terrorists posing as refugees in order to infiltrate and attack European Union members and other countries.
Despite Turkey creaming €6bn from EU member states, including the United Kingdom in order to control the immigration crisis engulfing the EU continent, they have done absolutely nothing to control the mass exodus of immigrants and despite their threats or 'blackmailing' of the EU, they are party to the so called Islamic State.
Once Turkey gets access for its 77+ million citizens, they and the migrants could apply for Turkish citizenship and then a passport, making their way back to the EU and then on to the UK as once a Turkish citizen they would also become an EU citizen too. I know it sounds confusing but in a few words, we will see mass migration to the UK, especially as the Spring and Summer months arrive.
I once knew a Turkish man very well and learned him much about IT, building computers etc... and he stabbed me in the back by trying to synchronise my PC and mobile phone as well as my internet connection settings. I don't know his motive but I ended the friendship immediately. I assume he was a paranoid individual. I am very qualified in IT so spotted his underhanded tactics straight away. I may have taught him what he knows about IT but a teacher never reveals their true knowledge.
On another point. He also called me names to mutual friends who told me as they knew how underhanded it was. Anyway enough about that for now. I may revisit the topic later in my blog as there is so much to say.
Back to topic, forgive my rant there;
What if the immigrants go so far as reaching Calais or German/Belgian borders and try crossing the water directly to the UK? They do it in the Mediterranean Sea.
It's actually already started;
Daily Express Report on Migrants Crossing Channel
Once Turkey gets access for its 77+ million citizens, they and the migrants could apply for Turkish citizenship and then a passport, making their way back to the EU and then on to the UK as once a Turkish citizen they would also become an EU citizen too. I know it sounds confusing but in a few words, we will see mass migration to the UK, especially as the Spring and Summer months arrive.
I once knew a Turkish man very well and learned him much about IT, building computers etc... and he stabbed me in the back by trying to synchronise my PC and mobile phone as well as my internet connection settings. I don't know his motive but I ended the friendship immediately. I assume he was a paranoid individual. I am very qualified in IT so spotted his underhanded tactics straight away. I may have taught him what he knows about IT but a teacher never reveals their true knowledge.
On another point. He also called me names to mutual friends who told me as they knew how underhanded it was. Anyway enough about that for now. I may revisit the topic later in my blog as there is so much to say.
Back to topic, forgive my rant there;
What if the immigrants go so far as reaching Calais or German/Belgian borders and try crossing the water directly to the UK? They do it in the Mediterranean Sea.
It's actually already started;
Daily Express Report on Migrants Crossing Channel
Remember, any concessions or 'reforms' that David Cameron says he has can be voted against after the referendum at the next EU summit.
Just take a look at how bureaucratic the EU laws and regulations are. This is The Lisbon Treaty.
Its difficult really what to address first, so lets think about somewhere outside of the EU, the United States of America, once a part of the British Empire, who under George Washington broke away from the colonial power of the Crown and gained their Independence. They basically wanted freedom, to make their own laws, rules, regulations and to self govern, without any influence or dictatorship from Britain.
This brings me to this point. President Barack Obama is due in April on a visit to the UK to conduct a speech to our democratic Parliament to convince the UK public to vote to stay within the dictatorship of the EU. Is that not hypocrisy?
Would he have America join the EU and hand over so many of their freedoms to Brussels? Of course he wouldn’t, besides the American people would not tolerate that loss of liberty. If America and other nations were not deprived of self rule, then why should we in the United Kingdom. Remember also, EU regulations prevent certain lethal injection execution drugs being exported to America, the EU citing it being inhumane. So I guess indirectly they do dictate to America.
The Treasury’s income tax receipts (PAYE) for the tax year 2015-2016 are £624.3bn which is 35.9% of GDP (Gross Domestic Output).
The membership fees alone for the EU are £350m per week or £14m per month or approximately £20 Billion per year...
Let us assume an average monthly tax deduction from wages is £250.00 approximately (as some pay less and some more and this is an exacerbated guess as an individual on earnings of around £1,500.00 per month is around £120 tax and £108 National Insurance), it would take 56,000 UK workers taxes to pay for EU membership every week/month. The maths are simple - 56,000 x £250.00 = £14m but like I said. Most people pay far less than that in Tax.
So, 56,000+ UK citizens work every day, hard, to pay for Germany’s domination through the back door into a federal United States of Europe, or EU Empire, which incidentally was the ambitions of Adolf Hitler.
Money well spent? What do you think? The Office of National Statistics published figures in late November which showed that in 2012 the UK’s gross contribution to the European Union hit £19.2 billion, a more than 5% increase from the previous year. We are now giving the equivalent of £52.5 million each day to the EU. With receipts at just over £8 billion (down from 2009 due to the Labour government giving up our Rebate) that means our net contribution in 2010 was a staggering £10.8 billion, up from £7.3 billion the year before.
Here’s some food for thought – £10.8billion each year could be spent on:
1. 68 new hospitals (at £150 million each)
2. 381,481 more nurses (at £27,000 average salary)
3. 265,218 more police officers (at £38,836 average salary)
4. 432 new schools (at £25million each).
I know the UK would not be weaker leaving the EU. It's scare tactics and fudge.
Please read this;
Former US Ambassador - Obama's Wrong, Brexit Would Strengthen The Special Relationship
The UK has 4 trident nuclear deterrent subs as you probably know and much military capability as well as and believe me, the best intelligence services and code crackers in the world.
We always know first.
Remember when the Russian passenger jet was blown up over Egypt, it was UK intelligence that shared information with other countries. They had no idea - we did.
We are much more powerful than people think and that is fact.
Watch the following video, which shows how vigorously the UK defends it's skies;
Fly With RAF's Quick Reaction Alert Crews
Fabricated statistics from 'Europhiles' is simply because that's all they are used to. They will try and use disgraceful scaremongering just to secure more votes to stay in such a corrupted Empire. They must have No faith in the UK whatsoever.
We stood on our own feet and defended ourselves for centuries (we've only been in EU 40 years), forty years too long.
We even defeated Nazi Germany in two World Wars.
Our ancestors did not die so we could surrender our sovereignty and rights to an EU Empire, supremely dominated by Angela Merkel's Germany. David Cameron is a disgrace to the memory of the fallen who fought on many fronts so that we could be free. Shame on him.
It is bizarre that in 1982 the UK sent a task force to liberate the Falklands and regain control of sovereignty yet the UK Government are all to willing to denude many of our powers and sovereignty to the European Union.
Hitler did not win the war but Germany still progressed in creating a super-state - which was his ultimate ambition. Angela Merkel is a continuation of his ideology in having a German dominated Empire.
Ironic is it not that both of these 'dominant' German Leaders appeared on covers of Time magazine.
The USE - United States of Europe Empire, Frau Angela Merkel's song to David Cameron;
I believe in my country. Unlike the Prime Minister. I know we can stand on our own feet.
Immigration without Assimilation equals Invasion;
"Being outside the Schengen Area is no protection. The political and media elites sneer that this is not the time for making political points, but this threat is a consequence of their political indecision.
"When will it be time to take our heads out of the sand and hold them to account? After the referendum, when it's too late to change direction, and we see blood on British streets again?”
Read press release from Arron Banks:
We do not need propping up by the EU but they have enjoyed for many years our vast handouts, when at home people suffer austerity measures.
We cannot let this opportunity for an independent United Kingdom slip through our fingers and sleep walk into an even more bureaucratic, domineering EU.
The stay campaign say for every £1 we give the EU we receive £10 back.
So if we pay £350 millions per week we get ten times that amount back? i can't bring myself around to believing that one.
If that was the case we wouldn't need austerity measures.
Typical lies and fudged statistics.
Citizen Steve - Farewell My England;
Who to follow for facts and information
You may also like to follow these student movements;
List courtesy of +HarveyPaul007
The Prime Minister is sinking to new lows. Just recently he wrote letters to regional areas outside of London. One newspaper refused to print his drivel.
This is what I wrote to the Prime Minister's G+ Profile;
"WELL Prime Minister?
You still haven't got what it takes have you?
Still no posts here explaining your Pro-European stance when we all know 'hand on heart' you're a EUrosceptic.
Your sweetener letters around the country to regional newspapers looks like a PR disaster;
Mr Cameron is trying to sweeten yet patronise the UK public in various outside London regions in order to improve his increasingly eroded popularity as an attempted measure to boost his stay in the EU campaign'. Well Prime Minister the Great British Public are not foolish enough to listen to your rhetoric.
How David Cameron’s PR team duped newspapers across the country with generic ‘love letters’...
Read More;
The Yorkshire Post Newspaper Article about David Cameron’s Duped Love Letters
The prime minister’s piece began with the words “I love Yorkshire & the Humber” and was designed to highlight some of the region’s attractions as part of English Tourism week'.
"Good on The Yorkshire Post for refusing to print his drivel";
The Herald, Plymouth’s newspaper, published a piece from Cameron which began with the words: “I love Cornwall and Isles of Scilly.”
The Newcastle Chronicle carried a piece that started: “I love Northumberland.”
And the same in the Lincolnshire Echo: “I love Lincolnshire.”
For the south-west audience, the PM wrote of Cornwall: “From their stunning beaches and coastal walks to their creative arts projects, this county is one of the many jewels in Great Britain’s crown.”
For the north-east: “From Hadrian’s Wall to Europe’s biggest sky park, this county is one of the many jewels in Great Britain’s crown.”
Tut, Tut Prime Minister. Is that really the best you and your hopeless advisers and PR Guru's can do?"
Original story reported in The Guardian Newspaper, Sunday 13 March...
The Guardian - David Cameron’s Duped 'Love Letters'
After a terrible week of heinous violence in Brussels and turmoil at home as George Osborne’s Budget collapsed and caused another embarrassing U
The United Kingdom has always been Great and the modern and growing economies of the world really do appreciate our contribution to the World;
Please read this;
Former US Ambassador - Obama's Wrong, Brexit Would Strengthen The Special Relationship
The UK has 4 trident nuclear deterrent subs as you probably know and much military capability as well as and believe me, the best intelligence services and code crackers in the world.
We always know first.
Remember when the Russian passenger jet was blown up over Egypt, it was UK intelligence that shared information with other countries. They had no idea - we did.
We are much more powerful than people think and that is fact.
Watch the following video, which shows how vigorously the UK defends it's skies;
Fly With RAF's Quick Reaction Alert Crews
Fabricated statistics from 'Europhiles' is simply because that's all they are used to. They will try and use disgraceful scaremongering just to secure more votes to stay in such a corrupted Empire. They must have No faith in the UK whatsoever.
We stood on our own feet and defended ourselves for centuries (we've only been in EU 40 years), forty years too long.
We even defeated Nazi Germany in two World Wars.
Our ancestors did not die so we could surrender our sovereignty and rights to an EU Empire, supremely dominated by Angela Merkel's Germany. David Cameron is a disgrace to the memory of the fallen who fought on many fronts so that we could be free. Shame on him.
It is bizarre that in 1982 the UK sent a task force to liberate the Falklands and regain control of sovereignty yet the UK Government are all to willing to denude many of our powers and sovereignty to the European Union.
Hitler did not win the war but Germany still progressed in creating a super-state - which was his ultimate ambition. Angela Merkel is a continuation of his ideology in having a German dominated Empire.
Ironic is it not that both of these 'dominant' German Leaders appeared on covers of Time magazine.
The USE - United States of Europe Empire, Frau Angela Merkel's song to David Cameron;
I believe in my country. Unlike the Prime Minister. I know we can stand on our own feet.
Immigration without Assimilation equals Invasion;
"Being outside the Schengen Area is no protection. The political and media elites sneer that this is not the time for making political points, but this threat is a consequence of their political indecision.
"When will it be time to take our heads out of the sand and hold them to account? After the referendum, when it's too late to change direction, and we see blood on British streets again?”
Read press release from Arron Banks:
We do not need propping up by the EU but they have enjoyed for many years our vast handouts, when at home people suffer austerity measures.
We cannot let this opportunity for an independent United Kingdom slip through our fingers and sleep walk into an even more bureaucratic, domineering EU.
The stay campaign say for every £1 we give the EU we receive £10 back.
So if we pay £350 millions per week we get ten times that amount back? i can't bring myself around to believing that one.
If that was the case we wouldn't need austerity measures.
Typical lies and fudged statistics.
Citizen Steve - Farewell My England;
Who to follow for facts and information
You may also like to follow these student movements;
List courtesy of +HarveyPaul007
The Prime Minister is sinking to new lows. Just recently he wrote letters to regional areas outside of London. One newspaper refused to print his drivel.
This is what I wrote to the Prime Minister's G+ Profile;
"WELL Prime Minister?
You still haven't got what it takes have you?
Still no posts here explaining your Pro-European stance when we all know 'hand on heart' you're a EUrosceptic.
Your sweetener letters around the country to regional newspapers looks like a PR disaster;
Mr Cameron is trying to sweeten yet patronise the UK public in various outside London regions in order to improve his increasingly eroded popularity as an attempted measure to boost his stay in the EU campaign'. Well Prime Minister the Great British Public are not foolish enough to listen to your rhetoric.
How David Cameron’s PR team duped newspapers across the country with generic ‘love letters’...
Read More;
The Yorkshire Post Newspaper Article about David Cameron’s Duped Love Letters
The prime minister’s piece began with the words “I love Yorkshire & the Humber” and was designed to highlight some of the region’s attractions as part of English Tourism week'.
"Good on The Yorkshire Post for refusing to print his drivel";
The Herald, Plymouth’s newspaper, published a piece from Cameron which began with the words: “I love Cornwall and Isles of Scilly.”
The Newcastle Chronicle carried a piece that started: “I love Northumberland.”
And the same in the Lincolnshire Echo: “I love Lincolnshire.”
For the south-west audience, the PM wrote of Cornwall: “From their stunning beaches and coastal walks to their creative arts projects, this county is one of the many jewels in Great Britain’s crown.”
For the north-east: “From Hadrian’s Wall to Europe’s biggest sky park, this county is one of the many jewels in Great Britain’s crown.”
Tut, Tut Prime Minister. Is that really the best you and your hopeless advisers and PR Guru's can do?"
Original story reported in The Guardian Newspaper, Sunday 13 March...
The Guardian - David Cameron’s Duped 'Love Letters'
After a terrible week of heinous violence in Brussels and turmoil at home as George Osborne’s Budget collapsed and caused another embarrassing U
If you are able to contribute to the official campaign via donations, this information is for donating via SMS message; alternatively you can go directly to the website to donate in other ways or offer your support.
To donate £1.00 Send: 1 to 81400
To donate £3.00 Send: 3 to 81400
To donate £5.00 Send: 5 to 81400
To donate £15.00 Send: 15 to 81400
To donate £20.00 Send: 20 to 81400
You will be charged your donation amount plus the cost of one standard text message from your provider.
Please refer to our T&Cs for further information
Please refer to our T&Cs for further information
The United Kingdom has always been Great and the modern and growing economies of the world really do appreciate our contribution to the World;
>>> Blog entry currently in progress... (TO BE CONTINUED) <<<
If you notice any discrepancies please contact me.
[All images are the full rights of their © owners].