Sunday 28 February 2016

To. UK PM David Cameron with regards 23 June 2016 EU Referendum


Prime Minister,

I, regardless of my vigorous campaign online for your party to gain an overall majority in the general election campaign in 2015 with you as our Prime Minister know that you are wrong on the important issue of continued European integration and membership. Reformed or not, it is a completely misinformed, melted down 'fudge'.
Dave's finest EU Fudge can be bought or donated here
For centuries the UK has stood alone and was once the greatest Empire on Earth, as you are well aware, the sun never set on the British Empire but we are now in the 21st century and despite the scaremongering, we don't need the EU and the accentuated expense of propping up defunct states within the union whether directly or indirectly financed. European fees of around £19.1+bn annually, (which can fluctuate due to financial reasons or economic growth), as well as other costs like welfare and benefits payments that prop-up less well off member states, that let's be honest are even now tinkering on the verges of bankruptcy. Just look at Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and that's just the tip of the fiscal incompetence of the ECB, (European Central Bank)  and the Eurozone, (countries which gave up their currency in favour of the €uro).

Europe needs us so much more than you and some of your cabinet ministers think that we need them amongst other deluded individuals who are all to eager to play the European Fiddle.

To think we 'need' Europe is frankly a delusion of reality. The EU has over a duration of time slowly but surely decimated UK sovereignty, laws, free trade, regulations and our unique way of life.

I'm so sorry I can't agree with you on this issue as I genuinely respected you as a decent man and genuinely caring leader, despite the reputations and unpopularity of some of your ministers. Your thought process has been shifted and unfairly persuaded by watered down conditions from 'the boss', Europe and the many of promises within your 2015 manifesto, (which I have a digital copy) have been dropped or weakend and I don't feel that it was fair, with hindsight to break pre-election promises, as it was those promises and policies which your supporters fought for during the 2015 election campaign. So you have betrayed trust to new levels of low. Thank goodness we have the London Mayor, conservative MP Boris Johnson and other high profile politicians who see the benefits of an exit from the EU.

Boris Johnson (London Mayor and Conservative MP) announces his intention to back Leave EU campaign;

We have the greatest security services and intelligence agencies in the world and that is fact and the UK know of possible threats long before other nations, such as America and Russia amongst others. It took the UK and it's intelligence services to inform Russia, Egypt, America and the world that it was a terrorist attack that downed a Russian passenger jet over Egypt, similar to the one in Lockerbie in 1988 when Pan-American flight 193, (Clipper, Maid of the Seas), was blown up resulting in a terrible loss of life which was state sponsored by Libya's then regime under Colonel Gaddafi.

I know the UK and it's security and surveillance services work tirelessly and that work never takes a break. If anything, with regards to security, we are relied upon much more than we rely on others and continued security sharing and trade with other countries in Europe will not end with an exit result but would likely increase, as would it around the rest of the world, as well as with important developing countries, rich in resources, trade possibilities and with excellent culture and people.

I have more to say and I am going to vigorously campaign to leave the EU and intend to not only create a blog but use my abilities and public profile as a platform to expose the true facts and not 'spin' or 'fudge'.

I'll give many more varied statistical details in due course as the campaigning progresses.

For anybody reading... We DO NOT need Europe. We need freedom and we need protection from mass migration. Remember the migration crisis being exacerbated by the drowning of a very young Syrian boy found washed up on a 'Turkish' beach and the media frenzy that caused EU countries to further 'open the borders' and relax security measures.

To recap, this is a clip which I saw on YouTube and it is about the migration crisis and in its words, what they are not telling us. I did not commission or endorse this video but as individuals it is up to everyone viewing it to form their own views or judgements but please be aware that this video contains footage that some viewers may find upsetting.

The Migration Crisis - What They are not telling You;

With the influx of migrants and refugees came members of that inhumane, terrorist group, the so called Islamic State and it was this that caused the horrific Paris attacks of 13 November 2015, some months after the Charlie Hebdo attacks. How many more made the same journey and are continuing to do so in many facades, hidden amongst the many migrants, or may be they are lying low like sleeping 'time bombs'. So, realistically, how much has the bloc of EU countries been compromised by such an open door policy and yet again sleep walked over the over-opinionated drivel from Germany's current chancellor, Angela Merkel who may well be defeated in the upcoming March elections in Germany. We are an island, not a part of a USE (United States of Europe), that for centuries we, our establishment, monarchs and governments have protected ourselves and traded unabated, without quotas and protectionist legislation from Brussels.

If we voted to stay, once the EU Parliament meet for a summit after the referendum, they can vote to scrap or dilute any of the ambitious reforms that the Prime Minister thinks he has obtained for the supposed benefit of our country to remain within the USE because they are without legitimacy and as Michael Gove said, they are not legally binding and impose further threat to our security with radical ideologies solely for the purpose of further EU integration and powers.

The leader of the second largest party in the EU Parliament, Gianni Pittella (Socialist and Democrats) declared that red lines must not be crossed and said, "We will never accept any form of discrimination between EU citizens and I very much hope that discrimination will be gainsaid by the proposals after the UK referendum".

With regards to global influence, leaving the EU would give the UK more global influence, not less. With less than a 10% share of the vote in the EU legislatures, the UK’s ability to influence EU policy is limited. An independent UK would therefore exert greater international influence. The UK’s overall diplomatic reach would remain strong – we would continue to be a major contributor to NATO, and would hold a permanent seat at the UN Security Council (in addition to our fundamental roles in the OECD, the G7 (previously G8), the G20, the P5, and the Commonwealth).

Leaving the EU would give Britain its own seat at the World Trade Organisation rather than being represented by the EU. If Europe is now at a crossroads, if we opt to stay inside the EU, it is clear that the Treaty on European Union's article 1 commitment to ‘ever closer union’ will surely leave the UK with even less influence than it currently has. Leaving the EU would give us greater influence on a global level.

The government would also be free to push for new global trade deals, and reinforce its links with the Commonwealth not to mention other highly influential and strong countries.

As an English speaking nation, and a major economy with vast resources in research and innovation, not to mention cultural output, there is a lot the UK can gain from engaging more fundamentally with the rest of the world, and vice-versa.

It would be better to exercise our own voice on a global level than be an increasingly marginalised voice within the EU.

There is only one real, sensible option - OUT! It's our only chance and it's not a 'leap into the abyss', the stay campaign say that it's a 'leap into the dark'. Leaping into the dark is not unknown territory, as you just require to have the sense to switch on the light and all is clear. The leap is not into the dark but light.

We are a respected country and should not be a carriage on the EU 'gravy train' and our trade with others could be much more productive, meaning more investment, more business and much needed jobs for 'lost generations' of UK society. We owe it to the people of the United Kingdom to make our country great again. Why pay billions to be told what we can't do?

Our brave soldiers, monarchs and past leaders and establishment have fought over the duration of our long history as I have said for our independence and to throw that deeper into EU (German, French and 25 other countries) control is nothing short of madness.

We need to treat this referendum with the most seriousness as should we choose to stay, we do not change anything and we stay the same, more vulnerable to exploitation, terrorism, an incapacity to trade freely and at the end of the day, our membership fees and other expenses are much well better spent in the UK for the benefit of the residents of the UK instead of subjecting UK citizens to countless cuts in public services, welfare, health, defence, policing, children's and adult services, etc... The list is endless yet you gladly dish out billions yearly to a completely corrupt USE which to be frank, the majority of EU countries do not respect the UK nor it's establishment or citizens.

The UK pays around £19.1 billion per year in membership fees to the EU. The UK is what is known as a 'net contributor' to the EU budget, meaning that it gets back less than it puts in. This is for two reasons:

42% of the EU's 120 billion Euro budget is devoted to the 'cohesion policy' an economic program designed to help the poorer members get up to the same level as the richer ones. In fact, in 2014 the UK was obliged to pay an extra £1.7bn for the EU budget because its economy had performed beyond expectations.The other large slice goes to agricultural subsidies (35%). The UK has a relatively small farming sector, and therefore receives less return.

Initially the UK refused to pay that £1.7bn (€2bn) to prop-up poorer and weaker Euro states but after a generous offer of paying in two installments the Government agreed, doing a full U-Turn and paid these extortionate fees at a time when they were banging the economic drum at home about necessary cuts and vital austerity measures including public sector pay and local services, just to mention a few. If you are British you will relate well to this;

Please watch and listen to the Prime Minister's speeches with regards the EU...

EU Council - UK Won't Pay £1.7bn Bill;

UK Won't Pay That £1. 7bn EU Demand;

The ridiculous 'orchestrated' letter of Tuesday 23 February, supposedly signed by 100 business leaders citing loss of jobs is scaremongering yet again, let alone spreading unnecessary alarm and ill founded anxiety and many of them are foreign owned such as HSBC, Siemens and ASDA (Walmart). If you are going to fight for a 'stay' campaign, do so with self respect, dignity and present real facts. Jobs will be unaffected and probably improved. These hundred company bosses are simply concerned about the welfare of their shareholders profits, their careers and disgraceful bonuses. We need NO lecture from capitalists. Besides, half of your business leaders did not back this up, nor did Barclays Bank or Tesco and many other big business leaders and thriving organisations, not to mention that up to half of your own party MP's, constitueny members, party members and 'grass root's supporters are not in line with your stance on this issue.

Parliament, does not need to be denuded of further powers by remaining within the USE. Members of Parliament, servants of the UK public are there to uphold it's powers and influence and it's time that we became GREAT again and not part of a fiscally incompetent and unfit for purpose bloc of 'me I am' countries who not only lack the ability to solve their own problems, let alone others, pose a great threat to the UK and our sovereignty especially so during the current mass migration crisis, which as Spring and Summer approach will escalate into complete mayhem. The EU itself is imploding under so many internal and external pressures and it's high time we took control of our own affairs for the benefit of our country, the people of our country and for future generations once and for all. Let's NOT subject them to such an omnishambles by remaining party to a broken system which in itself is on a downward, self-destructive spiral. It is only a matter of time before other EU countries see things clearly and hold their own referendums on leaving this dysfunctional organisation with laws and regulations that border on lunacy.

Your deceitful attitude in naming military chiefs such as General Sir Michael Rose, in supposed campaigning for us to remain within the EU, when they are in agreement that we should leave, is frankly fabricated and disgraceful behaviour for a Prime Minister and First Lord to the Treasury and I never thought a man of your integrity would stoop to such a low level and you should be ashamed of yourself for such fabrication to fact. You have no right in trying to justify your stance on matters in such a way in the hope of gaining momentum and support for your 'stay' campaign. It is absurd that you have so little faith in the country you were born and raised in and then went on, democratically elected to lead us as not only an MP but Prime Minister and you have been advised it is wrong to use military officers for political campaigning.

As military personnel have said, our country will not be compromised and for you to think differently proves what little if any faith you have in our country, defences or ability to trade freely around the world.

I'm afraid my loyalty toward you is being eroded daily and probably as much as our sovereignty has been eroded and denuded by the slow but increasing expansion of the European Union into a super-state or USE (United States of Europe), who's voice, at World summits and United Nations meetings etc, is becoming increasingly insignificant.

The United Kingdom is great and we can handle our own affairs and relationships with others. So if you are going to campaign to stay, do so with an honest tongue instead of resorting to scare tactics. Remember also, the decision is not yours but is that of the Great British Public.

Please don't forget to buy your fudge, perhaps though, you have enough so maybe you can share it with Kenneth Clarke, Michael Heseltine and the cabinet ministers backing you for fear of their own political careers. Yes, Mr Heseltine, the man who 'stabbed' Mrs Thatcher in the back. We need NO lectures from him or the likes of him. The old grandee's probably won't even be around for much longer anyway and their only interests are their company dealings, shares and investments in the UK and European Union.

Prime Minister, to say I am very, very disappointed in you is a mammoth understatement. I will never vote Labour under that socialist militant, Jeremy Corbyn, who as you know participates in CND and anti-trident marches, which is a disgrace but my allegiance may well switch to alternative parties in the upcoming local elections. I think your party is in for a hard drumming due to your stance on the European Union and the obvious drop in support of your personal popularity.

Remember also that in October 2016, Turkey joins the EU, meaning more mass migration and the highly likely increase in terrorism threat.

Like him or loathe him, even DWP secretary and cabinet minister, Iain Duncan Smith (former Conservatives Leader), says the EU puts the UK at risk of terror attacks and has stated that he would resign his post in cabinet, rather than change sides.

Your party is in disarray and regardless of the referendum outcome your party will oust you.

If we remain within the EU Germany, the dominant state, finally won in the end, which is a disgrace to the memory of all that fought and gave their lives selflessly to protect our country, freedoms and sovereignty.

Only Friday 26 February 2016,  the Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne said further cuts had to be made in the upcoming budget. Mainly due to a slowdown in economic growth and consumer confidence in China but also because of the uncertainty of the Eurozone finances and it's vulnerabilities and the instability of Eurozone economies all of which affects the UK, regardless of being free of the €uro currency.

Therefore is it not a good idea to look after the UK and our people instead of subjecting us to further expense because directly or indirectly should any of these weak, fiscally incompetent countries go bankrupt, we will have to yet again foot ridiculous demands for bills like the £1.7bn (€2bn) in late 2014 and given one months notice of payment demand.

On the back of this, the migration crisis is expected to exacerbate as the weather improves, so like it or not there would certainly be massive strain on our welfare, NHS, housing, public services etc. If the public follow your advice and vote to stay, after the referendum we will have the 'emergency brake' scrapped and also be subjected to higher migrant and refugee quotas at the next EU summit as well as much more free movement when Turkey joins the EU. As I've said, Michael Gove said there was no legality in the concessions you 'think' you've been assured of achieving, even though watered down anyway.

Mr Osborne has timed this announcement of cuts at a rather sensitive time and I imagine he knows it will cause the UK public much anger, possibly causing people to vote to leave the EU, hence saving the country billions, which would cancel out any excuses for further cuts. It looks like he is the one who is more interested in number 10, not Mr Johnson. Need I remind you of the meaning of the word skullduggery?

I think you should reconsider your personal stance on the matter, even if you remained neutral because if, as I expect, we leave the EU, your political career is certainly finished for good and your legacy will go down in history as one of sheer incompetence with total disregard for the country you were born into and it's people.

The G20 statement saying there was a 'potential' of a threat to the global economy if we leave the EU came as little surprise, as there are only four EU finance ministers, including the UK, which shows how insignificant and irrelevant the EU and it's opinions are on the global stage and the EU members know that their countries hand-outs from the UK's public purse will be quite diminished. So their 'potential' stance has no substance and is yet another scare tactic to deceive the UK public into a false sense of security.

If anyone would like to join the recently formed G+ UK LEAVE EU CAMPAIGN online community and contribute or comment, please follow this link;

G+ UK LEAVE EU CAMPAIGN (Online Community)

Also Prime Minister, take ten minutes out to remind yourself of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatchers stance on European issues... No, No, No!

The late PM Mrs Thatcher - "It is our purpose to retain the power and influence of this house and not to denude it of many of the powers"... 

Prime Minister Cameron's EU Renegotiated Fudge;

The Great British Fudge Off

Leave.EU in the Streets;

For further information or support;


Lord David Owen's Vote to Leave EU Blog;
(Very informative, interesting and without scare tactics and definitely no fudge!).

Lord David Owen's Vote to Leave The EU Blog 

Lord David Owen's Vote to Leave Release;

Lord David Owen's Vote to Leave Release (PDF)

Thank you.

Pictures courtesy of Leave.EU and  The Great British Fudge Off to whom I am extremely grateful. 

#LeaveEU #Brexit #EUReferendum #EUExit #VoteLeave